Consistently improving energy efficiency
For thyssenkrupp, the efficient use of resources and energy is a key competitive factor, a driver of innovation, and a central factor in environmental protection.
thyssenkrupp implements systematic energy management in its production and service processes. This helps conserve resources and reduce energy costs. It also delivers a major contribution to climate protection.

Groupwide Energy Efficiency Program
thyssenkrupp's energy consumption came to around 68 terawatt hours (TWh) in the fiscal 2022 / 2023.
Energy efficiency plays an important role at thyssenkrupp. For nine years, the global Groupwide Energy Efficiency Program (GEEP) has included measures such as process optimizations, better use of waste heat and, the replacement of plant components and lighting systems.
In the reporting year we set ourselves the target of increasing energy efficiency in the group by 85 GWh. We significantly exceeded this target with an improvement of around 340 GWh. Taking into account, the specific emissions of each energy source, these efficiency gains add up the avoidance of around 110,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions. The target for fiscal year 2023 / 2024 is to achieve further efficiency gains of at least 205 GWh. Since fiscal year 2019 / 2020 all companies with environmentally relevant activities have implemented an energy management system and had it externally certified in accordance with ISO 50001. Among other things this includes setting specific energy targets for each relevant company, measuring energy consumption and optimizing organizational and technical processes. In terms of groupwide energy consumption this means around 99% of energy management activities at thyssenkrupp meet the ISO 50001 standard in fiscal year 2022/2023.